When you were a child, or even as an adult, you may have been told to “cheer up” or “look on the bright side.”  While this is undoubtedly good advice, did you ever think about how optimism affects you physically and emotionally?  Research has shown that optimists are healthier, live longer and enjoy greater productivity than those who are always dark and gloomy.

Just like character and cognitive skills, optimism can be learned! In his book, “Learned Optimism”, Martin Seligman explains how most cases of depression can be cured with optimism and a positive shift in one’s mindset. Another point he makes is that our physical demeanor has a direct impact on our emotional state! For example, if we smile, we will experience greater joy (give it a try : ) ). Two other ways to learn and practice optimism is to surround yourself by optimistic people and to focus on the positive aspects of situations and circumstances. A positive cycle can begin when we develop these skills (through understanding and practice) of acting cheerful which will lead to greater happiness; (and greater happiness breeds more cheerfulness etc.). Similarly, if we are not careful, we can get caught in the habit of acting miserable, being pessimistic and complaining. This adds to greater sadness and can put us on a cycle towards depression. These habits and mindsets are important for kids to learn and are best taught through your example!

Clearly, teaching our kids optimism should be a goal for which we all strive.  Unfortunately, many parents transmit the wrong message to their kids:  “You can’t do that.”  “Quitting is always an option.”  “Things never seem to work out.” By teaching our children pessimism, what we are really saying is that they are not good enough to achieve their goals—and nothing is further from the truth. 

Always Look On The Sunny Side

Instead of being pessimistic, why don’t we teach our kids optimism?  According to www.stress.about.com, there are several ways we can help children look on life’s brighter side and develop an attitude of optimism:

  • Help kids experience success.  When children are allowed to taste victory, they develop a hunger for it.  Allowing children the chance to experience success helps them to strive for greater things, even if all you are doing is allowing them to win at a simple game or praising them for helping you around the house.
  • Give credit where credit is due.  It is not a good idea to offer praise for failure, but it is important to let children know when they have truly done a good job.  In most situations, there is something you can genuinely find to praise, even if the overall job was not perfect.
  • Point out traits that lead to success.  When a child cleans his or her room, mention how much easier it is to find a favorite game or toy.  When a child takes the time to work hard on something for school, point out how much better the grade is.  Focus on the traits that will lead to ultimate success in life.
  • Set a good example.  If you are always gloomy, do not be surprised if your child exhibits those traits as well.  Take a few moments to find the “silver lining” and share this with your child even when things do not go as planned in your own life.

A child’s health and nutrition is another great way to develop optimism and avoid depression. Quality food, sleep, exercise and healthy lifestyle habits contribute to a positive, healthy child. ADD loving parents, strong relationships and a safe environment, and your child has a great atmosphere to be emotionally balanced and successful.

Mighty Kicks Soccer Programs provide a great way to improve your child’s self-esteem and optimism. When your child has the opportunity to succeed through organized, structured play, he or she will develop a much stronger sense of optimism, helping him or her to enjoy more success and joy in other areas of life as well.

See More Benefits of Exercise and other benefits from our Proven Mighty Kicks Curriculum

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Mighty Kicks is a national franchise that offers premier introductory early childhood soccer programs. The affordable soccer franchise opportunity makes it easy to bring our proven business to your area. Learn how to impact youth and profit with your own Mighty Kicks business. Be passionate about your career!

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