The Mighty Kicks Blog

Car Ride Conversations: Setting SMART Goals


The only way to achieve a goal is to define it and begin working towards it. Goal-setting is a life skill that we teach through Mighty Kicks. We work with our players to help them understand that goals take time and hard work to achieve.

Use your car ride home from practice or your time after school to ask your children about the goals they set. Give them ideas of different areas in their lives that they can set goals – school, chores, hobbies, etc. We work with our players to help them set goals on the field, but here is a tool to help them set their own. You can simplify and modify it as needed.


The SMART goal model was developed by George T. Doran in 1981. It is a widely used goal-setting model designed to help users efficiently achieve goals.

  • Specific: Is the goal specific to a situation or could it be applied to many? The more specific the goal, the better your child can gauge their progress toward achievement.
  • Measurable: Can your child track the progress in achieving their goal? Is there a way to tell if they are getting better, faster, more knowledgeable, etc.? If your child can’t track the progress, it is easy for him or her to get sidetracked or to let focus drift from the goal.
  • Achievable: Is the goal possible to achieve? Can your child feasibly do the work needed to achieve the goal? If the goal is not achievable, then your child may be setting him or herself up for failure.
  • Realistic: Does your child have the ability, time, or skill set to accomplish the goal? This question requires your child to determine how likely he or she is to achieve the goal as is. This is where you can help your child adjust to see if there is a way to maximize his or her potential for success.
  • Time-bound: Does the goal have an end date? Having a specific time in which to work on a goal can help your child manage what he or she needs to do every day to accomplish the goal.

SMART goals are a great way for any person to keep track of their motivations. One of the best ways to accomplish your SMART goal is to write it down and place it somewhere that it will be seen every day. Having a physical reminder can help your child to stay focused on the end results he or she desires.

Help your kids learn how to use this model to set them up for success in the future.