The Mighty Kicks Blog
Life Lessons During the Winter Olympics? You bet!
by Jeremy | How Children Succeed, News, PCA

While there are still two years to go until our next favorite Olympic event, (Summer Olympics…Go USA Soccer!!) there is still much we love about this time of year. Regardless if it’s the Winter or Summer games, we can find teachable moments for our family.
Some may use the time to teach their children about the different countries of the world. Others may introduce new sports to their family. While others it’s about the splendor of the opening ceremony and seeing so many different people on a level playing ground.
Our friends over at Positive Coaching Alliance have come up with an entire list of ways to work teachable moments into watching the Olympics. These are great tips not just for our Mighty Kicks Coaches to use as examples for their students, but also for parents to use at home in everyday life.
Here is advice on what to look for and how to use those teachable moments to develop Better Athletes, Better People from Tina Syer (@TinaPCA), PCA’s Chief Impact Officer, who is also a youth sports coach and parent.
This article explains how parents and coaches can:
- “Ask rather than tell.”
- Identify both positive and negative life lessons.
- Find examples of Olympians thanking officials.
- Notice when Olympians pick up their teammates and/or opponents.